Hearing loss is one of the fastest growing medical problems in the United States. Presently about 20 percent of Americans report some degree of hearing loss. At age 65, one out of three people has a hearing loss.   Watching television is our nation’s number one pastime with over 100 million viewing households with an average 2.8 television sets per household.  As the hearing ability of the individual deteriorates, the television becomes more difficult for them to understand, and they compensate for this by increasing the volume. The Company sells products that are specifically designed to address this situation and to enhance the viewer’s TV listening experience without disturbing others who are nearby sleeping, reading or watching the same television program at a normal volume level.

​​​Over-the-Head Headphones

Products that can change lives

If you can hear better, life is more enjoyable. It's as simple as that. Let us help you enjoy life.

​Call Today: (949) 786-4474 office or (949) 786-4239 fax

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